Friday, January 6, 2012

Clerking at Rice Law: by Tracy Cermak

New Year = New Opportunities

January 1st has never really been a date that I have looked forward too. I have never made a resolution or gathered with 1 million people to watch the ball drop in Times Square. To me New Year’s Day was just like any other day on the calendar. This year was different. As 2012 approached, my anticipation and excitement grew. I had a feeling that 2012 was going to be a big year.

Channeling that excitement, I set my sites on growing as a professional. I wanted my resume to reflect a year of tremendous growth. I had spent the past year and a half hitting the books to prepare for class. Textbooks and lectures can only go so far. It was time to switch my attention from fictitious fact patterns to real people with real problems and watch how talented attorneys represent their clients. Shortly before the ball dropped, I interviewed, received, and began my job as a law clerk at Rice, Amundsen & Caperton, PLLC. This was just the opportunity I was looking for.

In the short time that I have worked as a law clerk, I have already learned so much. Each day has been filled with new tasks; furthermore, I have been able to observe my co-workers in action. New opportunities bring new challenges. I know that I have much to learn and must organize my time to prepare for both work and class, but I am looking forward to those challenges. It is reassuring to know that I am surrounded by a team of professionals that are dedicated to their clients and my growth as a law clerk.

I wish you the best in 2012. If you were brave enough to make a resolution, I hope that you are successful. Whether 2012 signifies a fresh start or is the beginning of a new chapter in your life, I hope that it is filled with new opportunities that enrich your life.

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