Friday, November 1, 2013

Memphis Divorce Attorney Larry Rice: on Divorce Trial in Tennessee

Memphis Divorce Attorney Larry Rice discusses the divorce trial process. You have gone through the entire divorce process and things couldn't get resolved, so you have made it to the last and worst step. Mr. Rice emphasizes on the importance of telling the truth. Tell your lawyer everything from the very beginning. Telling the truth makes it much easier. Tell the court the truth because it will probably come out anyways and will destroy your lives about one thing and destroy the truth your telling about everything else... so, tell the truth. Mr. Rice informs you on how to prepare for trial. We don't know what the Judge is going to do until the Judge does it, and then sometimes we still do not know what the Judge is going to do. So, if you have your case tried, work with your lawyer, tell the truth, and realize the system isn't always perfect. Judges are trying to do what they think are right.

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