Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Clerking at Rice Law: by Blair Beaty

Alas, school has started back and I am braving my second year as a 2L. Everything appears the same: same lovely classmates, same eccentric professors, and the same bad coffee in the bookstore. The only major change is that I am now attempting to balance work with school, and thank goodness for that.

Starting back in my third week as a student, I am already wishing for a motion to draft or a trip to the courthouse. As I settle in for another hour and half lecture, I can’t help but think about the knowledge I have gained while working at the firm…

…how to file a Complaint.

…how to draft an abundance of Motions and Petitions.

…how to draft a subpoena for different types of records.

…how to brainstorm on legal issues with a group.

…how to interact with clients and opposing parties in a variety of settings.

…how to keep track of my billable time in a detailed and organized manner.

And my personal favorite,

…wear the color “red” during a deposition or when questioning someone during a trial. It has been proven to distract people and cause them to make mistakes.

Most importantly, I have learned that actual work experience, at least in my humble opinion, far outweighs the classroom experience. I feel so lucky to be able to continue in my position at the firm during the school year and look forward to the new cases and opportunities that come my way. That being said, I leave you with a quote that encompasses my daily experience at Rice Law and urge all students to seek out an opportunity to gain knowledge through a work environment.

"We should come home from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day with new experience and character." --Henry David Thoreau

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