Before attending Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, I taught
5th grade for 5 years. During my time as a teacher, I encountered many
children whose parents were going through the divorce process. Each
student had their own way of coping with their family situation. Some of
my students would withdraw, act out, or go to great lengths to
try and be the mediator between their parents. Whatever
their reaction, it was easy to see that they were going through an incredibly
stressful time and needed some extra attention.
Memphis Divorce Lawyer
Additionally, I witnessed parents approaching their divorceand its impact on their children in variety of ways; some approaches
were helpful while others were counterproductive. To avoid
making an already tough situation tougher, parents must strive to keep the
focus on what is best for the child. Parents need to remember that they do
not have to have all the answers as to what is best for the
child. Speaking with counselors, doctors, and/or teachers may be helpful
and necessary to guide your child through this difficult
transition. Parents who live in the Memphis area and are going through a
child custody matter must also attend a “Children Cope with Divorce” seminar.
Germantown Child Custody Lawyer
My time as a law clerk has shown me how the
best interests of the child can also be served through an
attorney. The attorneys at Rice, Amundsen, & Caperton, PLLC will be
glad to recommend a counselor for your children. Furthermore,
a well-drafted and detailed parenting plan will diffuse some
conflicts right from the start. The parenting plan will provide the
residential parenting schedule, decision-making, financial support, rights of
the parents, and plan for disagreements. In some cases, a child may need
their own lawyer to look out for their best interests. This is a Guardian
Ad Litem. The court will appoint the Guardian Ad Litem.